Business & Management

Our Setting up a SUP Business course is for anyone planning on starting a SUP school, coaching business, rental or tour company. It will guide you through the legislative environment, the documentation and paperwork you’ll require (including free templates!), advice on what sort of equipment to buy and lots more great info on how to make your business a success. This will be the best $69 you ever invest, potentially saving you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars of doing things the hard way and making the same mistakes that others have made.

“The business management course is very informative and well executed. I wish I had a course like that before I got my business (6 years ago now), would have answered a lot of questions and made the process a lot easier to navigate! So well done! ” Tina

Click here to take the Setting up a SUP Business course now!

The next course in the system will be on how to create and run a paddleboarding event. Watch this space…